3 Books to Read on a Rainy Day

Today was one of those rainy and stormy Spring days. As the gloomy person I am, I had the tendency to hide under a blanket and read all day. I was thinking about the kind of books I like to read when the weather allows you to have a lazy day on your couch.

To be honest, I like to read bigger books when the weather is down. Why? Because on these kind of days, there is nothing better than to dive into a big family drama or get lots of pages to spend with your favourite characters.

To start things off with the biggest one, I recommend 'Middlemarch' by George Eliot. Its page count is a whopping 919 pages of actual story, but don't feel intimidated. Middlemarch is a highly readable classic. It is a story about various characters from the provincial town of Middlemarch. We follow their community and read about all kinds of aspects of their lives. They are all different, not only in status, but also in beliefs and morals. If this sounds like anything you might enjoy, please give it a try. I personally love spending my day curled up under a blanket in company of this wonderful cast of characters.

The next book I'm going to recommend is from an author I absolutely love. It is 'The Paying Guests' by Sarah Waters. This was the first Sarah Waters I read and I loved it (I'm thinking now that it's a book I definitely want to reread this summer).

The Paying Guests is historical fiction at its best. The story is set in 1920s London where society is dealing with the aftermath of the First World War.
Widowed Mrs Wray and her daughter Frances live in a comfortable house south of the city and are obliged to rent out a part of their house. But when the 'paying guests' arrive, Frances world drastically changes.
'The Paying Guests' is both a love story as well as a crime story and trust me, you will speed through this because of its excellent suspense and storytelling.

Lastly I have a Persephone book to recommend. 'They Were Sisters' by Dorothy Whipple is a story about three sisters who all marry very different husbands. The aftermath of their marriages are not all positive and we follow their lives as married women from then on.
Although being a quiet story, this is exactly the sort of book I like when it's pouring outside. I love reading about women's experiences anyway, but Dorothy Whipple is certainly a master at it.

Hopefully you got some new additions to your TBR and if not, please tell me about your favourite books to read on rainy/gloomy/stormy days!

With bookish love, 


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