I'm in Flow Magazine!

A while ago I was contacted by the lovely folks over at Flow Magazine via Instagram, if I would like to be featured with my instagram (bookstagram) account in their new special all about books in September 2017. To give you a little backstory, I've been reading Flow since I was about thirteen and it is safe to say it is my favourite magazine. It has beautiful photography, illustrations, and the articles are about topics I find really interesting.
I am so honored and grateful to the lovely and kind people at Flow Magazine for giving me this opportunity, I couldn't be happier!

I talked via email with one of the editors and got asked some questions about why I love books and reading, what made me open an account on Instagram dedicated to this, etc. My answers combined together resulted in a (whole!) page interview and some photos from my Instagram account.

Flow Magazine is a Dutch magazine about appreciating the small moments, mindfulness, creativity & so much more. It's filled with beautiful photography, illustrations and paper goodies. What is there not to love? They do specials as well, which are extra magazines that focus on a particular subject (illustration, mindfulness, coloring, etc.).

Flow is also international! If you live in the UK, Germany or France, you should be able to pick one up in your language at a magazine store.

This special is made by and for booklovers. Inside there are interviews with authors, booksellers, booklovers, illustrators, and lots of gorgeous photos of people's personal libraries, how they store their books etc. There are also some postcards and bookmarks included!

 So, if you are a Dutch bookworm like me and you haven't picked this up yet, what are you doing?!
For my international bookworms, definitely try to check out Flow Magazine if you haven't heard of it yet, you will love it if you are anything like me!

Lots of bookish love, 

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